Active Biotechnology (Hong Kong) Company Limited is a spin-off company of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, which endeavors to develop posture training systems for medical, sports and healthcare applications.  Our innovative and insightful technologies are intended to address the unmet needs of adolescents with mild scoliosis as well as provide alternative options for those who are undergoing bracing treatment without reducing their quality of life.  The applications of our frontier technologies are versatile enough to also provide posture training for athletes, patients with other spinal conditions, or daily posture monitoring, which are all upcoming R&D projects at the Hong Kong Science Park. In order to provide effective solutions, we dedicate time and resources to research the needs of scoliosis patients, athletes and the general public who require posture training services.

Our Vision

A world where everyone has a healthy spine. By carrying out this vision, Active Biotechnology will be recognized as a leader in preventing the progression of spinal deformity in scoliosis patients, helping athletes and exercisers to avoid spinal injuries, and facilitating good posture in the general public for a healthier society. 

Our Mission

  • To facilitate scientific and clinical collaborations that provide the best alternative therapies to improve spinal conditions and posture.
  • To share related expertise and facilitate an environment that is conducive to pioneering R&D in alternative spinal treatments.
  • To champion for accessible, affordable, sustainable and less painful alternative systems to conventional treatments.

Our Team


Dr. Joanne Yip
Associate Professor and Associate Dean, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Kelvin Yip

Chief Technology Officer

Dr. Summy Lo


Chief Designer


Research Assistant

Jin Jin











